‘Pick My Brain’ Coaching Sessions

The biggest thing I’ve learned over the few years is there is a big difference between action, and meaningful action.

Action: can involve a lot of doing, and can feel really ‘productive’, but can also leave you standing in the same spot. Or worse, move you backwards.

Meaningful action: is intentional and always moves you forward.

Taking meaningful action involves:

  1. Identifying where you’re going
  2. Identifying why you’re going there
  3. Removing distractions
  4. Doing what needs to be done

My speciality is helping people work through these four steps.

Areas where I’m best equipped to help:

The people I’m best equipped to help:

  • Highly-driven, Type-A folk who’ve finally admitted to themselves that while they can do anything, they can’t do everything (and need help prioritising).

Keen to work with me?

Currently I offer coaching via:

One-on-one consultation: $450

I’ll send you a questionnaire that will gather all the information I need to get across your specific situation. Once you’ve filled in that questionnaire, we’ll book a time to chat via Skype and you’ll have one hour to ask me anything you want. After that Skype call, I’ll send you a summary of our conversation along with some action items. From there, you’ll have the opportunity to email me one set of follow-up questions (which I will answer, either via return email, video or audio.) I will also check in with you one month after our call to see how you are going 🙂