As a life concept, I’m a relatively new convert to the idea of acceptance. (i.e. Accepting life for how it is, as opposed to constantly trying to control it into being the way it ‘should’ be.) And this has helped immensely with regard to overthinking and living in the future all the time.
Unsurprisingly, Brooke has been on board the acceptance train for a while.
But … where’s the line between rolling with the punches of life, and standing for something?
We discover it’s a delicate balance that looks different to everyone, and a level of acceptance that works in one part of our own lives won’t be applicable in other areas.
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- If you’re on an Android phone, you will need to first install a podcast app (Podcast Addict is one that’s been recommended – there is a free version) and then search via that app for ‘Let It Be’.
- For a more detailed breakdown of the above, check out Nicole Avery’s post here.
- And if all else fails, you can listen to the show directly via the player below – or download the mp3 to transfer to your audio listening device of choice 🙂