In our first episode back after a few weeks’ break, Brooke and I tackle the topic of quitting.
We both have some experience in this, shutting down businesses in the past which, on the face of it, were quite successful. Today we discuss what led us to the moment of quitting, what it felt like to make the choice and whether we’ve had any regrets in the years since.
Brooke also makes the distinction between intentional quitting (in her case, a positive thing) and simply giving up on something because it was hard (not such a positive thing) and why her mantra is now, “We don’t quit on bad days.”
I share the cost-benefit analysis I perform when deciding whether to push on with something or not, and offer some insight into how I’ve managed to let go of something I’ve invested a lot in.
There’s a fine line between the good kind of quitting and the bad, and hopefully this honest conversation about both sides of the coin will give you some food for thought if you find yourself wondering what would happen if you simply walked away.
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