Straight and Curly Episode 19: Digital detox


So here’s a funny story.

When Carly and I sat down to record this episode I was prepared and ready to talk about how I’d tried to do digital detoxes in the past and failed miserably. I was all ready to say that, while I could see how they could work for other people, I can’t do them.

I’m rather attached to my phone you see. I do pretty much everything on it. It’s my entertainment (books, Facebook, Insta, podcasts), my idea repository (Evernote), my map book, my brain (Google), my tool for connection (SMS, Facebook messaging, social media), my internet banking … the list, it goes on and on. So quite frankly, I’ve never seen the need to detox from my phone because it’s so much more than a phone to me! It’s basically my best friend.

Then Carly sprung it on me that this weekend we’re doing a digital detox. Her and me. And anyone else who’d like to join in here via our Facebook group.

Want to hear my reaction to the idea? Want to find out the rules? Then listen in to this week’s episode 🙂

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  • And if all else fails, you can listen to the show directly via the player below 🙂