Reflections at 40 – Priorities – 23/40
When we’re on the overwhelm slide, that’s when any work we’ve done understanding our core values comes in handy.
Reflections at 40 – Overwhelm – 22/40
For people with kids and careers especially, the predominant thought is, ‘This is just how life is for people like me.’
Reflections at 40 – Busy – 21/40
I often see articles referring to the ‘cult of busy’, talking about how most people wear the word as a badge of honour.
Reflections at 40 – Identity – 20/40
I’ve always had a strong sense of identity. Once depression took hold, however, it destroyed my confidence and with it, my sense of self.
Reflections at 40 – Better – 19/40
Unconditional love from family and friends gave me a safe place from which to take two steps forward, one step back, one step sideways.
Reflections at 40 – Saying No – 18/40
Of course, I never said a flat out ‘No’ to someone’s face. That was a step too far for me, someone who was addicted to people-pleasing.
Reflections at 40 – Permission – 17/40
Why is it that we need to get permission to do the things we know we need to do? Is it because they always involve disappointing someone?
Reflections at 40 – Help – 16/40
I thought it was arrogant and unrealistic of me to want the achieving without wanting to pay the price everyone else was paying.
Reflections at 40 – Stories – 15/40
Telling ourselves we’re ‘great’, or ‘doing a good job’, or daring to articulate the big dreams we have goes against much of our social programming.
Reflections at 40 – Sabotage – 14/40
When it comes to change, it’s easy to see self-sabotage and regression as the same thing because they lead to the same place.
Reflections at 40 – Regression – 13/40
It was tough to live. For those who loved me it was frustrating to watch. And I beat myself up mercilessly for every regression.
Reflections at 40 – Values – 12/40
Whenever I find myself struggling and going into what I call ‘grasping’ mode, I know it’s time to check in with my values.
Reflections at 40 – Magic Bullets – 11/40
Whenever I’m really struggling, I go searching for magic bullets and secret sauces. I become convinced there’s ‘one thing’ that’s just going to ‘change everything’
Reflections at 40 – Therapy – 10/40
I knew how much work lay ahead of me in terms of getting better, and, frankly, I was terrified of what that work looked like.
Reflections at 40 – Rock Bottom – 9/40
I just couldn’t see how or when things were going to get ‘better’, and it occurred to me that it would be easier for everyone if I was gone.