Straight and Curly 88: The Year in Review

It’s our last episode for 2017 and we saw it as a great opportunity to reflect on the year and answer the questions:

  • What worked for you in 2017?
  • What did you enjoy?
  • Who did you enjoy spending time with?
  • What was your biggest achievement?
  • How did you achieve it?
  • Where did you enjoy going?
  • What are some new things you tried or went through?
  • What didn’t you enjoy?
  • Who didn’t you enjoy spending time with?
  • Was there a goal you didn’t achieve?
  • What did you spend time on that didn’t add value to your life?
  • What would you like to spend more time on?
  • What would you like to spend less time on?


Want to come talk about it? Join our Straight and Curly group on Facebook? It’s free so what are you waiting for?! And don’t forget – we wrote a book! Buying it is a great way to support the show and there are some low-cost options available 🙂

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  • If you have an iPhone – the easiest thing to do is open up the Podcasts app (which is on all iPhones) and search for ‘Straight and Curly’. When it comes up, simply subscribe. Once you’re subscribed, all our episodes will automatically download to your phone (and we will love you to the moon and back).
  • On any device, you can also now listen to the show via Spotify! Just go to podcasts in Spotify and search for Straight and Curly.
  • You can also listen to the show directly via the player below 🙂