Your Best Year Ever

Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed and directionless?
This short and sweet book is like a candid chat with a great friend. When the last page is turned, you’ll feel fully equipped to:
- Make better decisions;
- Form better habits;
- Manage your time better; and
- Simply be the best version of yourself you can be.
“I pick up a lot of freebie motivation themed e-books from time to time, and a lot sound the same, and none are very motivating. I like the tone of this author, I felt like she was a lot like me, so I enjoyed the book very much, actually wish it was a bit longer!” ~ Amazon Reviewer
Below is a sample of reader feedback. You can read more reviews on Amazon here.
Can I say just one thing: thank you! As someone who has always been a high achiever and is currently struggling with anxiety and the pressure I place on myself to be “perfect” in every facet of my life, I really loved your down to earth, normal words. As a 23 year old med student, with a boyfriend, job and other normal family commitments, I can now feel that my coping strategies are slowly building up, I can take some of the pressure off and be happy, content and calm.
The bit that I loved which made a wave of relaxation go through my body was “Tried it, didn’t work, what’s next.” The possibility of being able to throw off perceived failure so easily is a tantalising one. I’m going to try to keep this phrase in my mind.
Many thanks – I just finished your book. The 7 little thought shifts you outlined really resonated with me. A gentle butt kicking reminder to get out there and start living again!
This was wonderful and you were right, you can read it in one sitting, which is great. I really enjoyed the part where you highlight the more time we have the more we waste, it is about using the time we do have productively! I’m always resentful of my lack if time and this is a good reminder I can still achieve what I really want to.
As a rule I do not like self-help books but Lord, I’m loving every one of @kellyexeter’s sentences #yourbestyearyet
I think @kellyexeter was reading my mind when she wrote her new book.
The best half an hour you can give yourself this year. Read this book. It will change the way you think. It will make you want to be nicer and kinder to yourself and make you believe that you really are capable of having your best year yet. And the best rest of your life. Simple and sound advice written in a very easily digestible format. Love the blueprint to keep.
WOW!! Kelly I am speechless. Are you sure you are not reading my thoughts? Going to go back now and re-read it to burn all the very important messages in my brain.
Loved it! So easy to read…like talking to a wise friend…and so “now” and current. Thank you…will adjust my thinking!!
Just wanted to let you know I read your book this morning and thought it was fantastic. I found it really made me think about how important my mindset is to each and every day. When I finished reading it, I felt like standing and ‘Woop Wooping’ like Julia Roberts!
I am identifying well with everything you’re saying. And I like the fact it is short and punchy – I really struggle to get through long books at the moment.
You are amazing – this advice is gold and I love how you’ve made it easy to read (took me 30 minutes by the way!)
Thanks so much for this book. I really enjoyed reading it. Each and every chapter was so relevant to me. You have some excellent tips in there, and I can see myself putting your advice into action, starting now!
You were right – I finished it in no time at all and loved it – especially the little one page reminder at the end which I am going to put in front of my face in my office.
Parts of it had me literally saying, “Yes! Yes!” out loud as I read it, and I’m quite certain there were fist pumps. What you’ve created is really, really wonderful and I know it’s going to help a whole lot of women who have found themselves in that dark, rutted place. I’ve been there myself and could see so much of my own struggle on the pages of your book – and so much of my redemption too.
Well, thank you. It is very timely that your book has come out right now. I am determined to have the best year yet and a lot of the points you raised are things I have struggled with myself. I started this year with a positive mindset and the fear, giving permission and time factor are some of the main ones for me. (Heck, the whole book has main points for me!)
Your book is fantastic, amazing! I’ll be reading it again before I go to bed tonight. And I’ve forwarded it to my sisters and a couple of close friends. Love it. Thank you.
*Note: you don't need a Kindle to read the book. You can read it via the Kindle app on your iPhone or iPad. Choose your Amazon store above (If your Amazon store is not listed above, simply type Your Best Year Ever into the search field of your store)