So if last week’s episode basically amounted to free counselling for me from Brooke (with regard to dealing with uncertainty), then this week I got to return the favour!
Brooke gets very vulnerable today in sharing a mental battle she faces every day, dealing with her (very vicious, confidence destroying) Inner Mean Girl. Now I don’t have that kind of Inner Mean Girl, but after reading this article from Christine Arylo it appears that I do have these: the Achievement Junkie, the Doing Addict, the Good Girl, the Worrywart, and the Invincible Super Woman. Oops.
Between us, Brooke and I cover off:
- Why do we even have Inner Mean Girls?
- Why are they inclined to damage and harm and stop us from trying new things, recognising contentment and finding acceptance?
- And despite their nastiness, do they actually have a role to play?
I also share that while my natural confidence has always helped me combat my Inner Mean Girl(s) without too much drama, a bout of post-natal depression gave me a taste for what life without confidence looks like. And it wasn’t pretty.
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