Let It Be Episode 25: Consistency

I was having a conversation with a friend on Facebook a little while ago, and we were talking about Arianna Huffington’s book Thrive and how she mentions in it the importance of getting great sleep. My friend mused, “I wonder if Arianna Huffington actually gets good sleep – or if she’s like that productivity expert who tells you to only check emails once a day yet, if you email them, you get an immediate reply.”

I have to admit, this conversation got me scrambling. I couldn’t help but wonder, Oh my god, am I that person who says ‘do this or that’, but doesn’t do it themselves?

Which brought up the next obvious question – is it even possible to practice what you preach all the time? Is it possible to be utterly consistent?

That’s what Brooke and I talk about in this episode 🙂

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