Let It Be Episode 34: Introversion


It’s always a surprise to me to have someone say “What? You’re an introvert?”, because I am pretty much as far down the introvert end of the introvert/extrovert spectrum as you can get. (But people seem to think introverts aren’t able to talk and given the right environment, I can yabber on with the best of them!)

In this episode Brooke and I chat about how our introversion manifests along with the difference between introversion and shyness. I also talk about growing up thinking my introversion was a major personality flaw that needed to be eradicated and how life-changing it was to find out (in my thirties!) that it’s actually a completely valid way to be!

As much as this episode sounds like ‘extroverts need not apply’, it’s really a discussion about self-awareness and self-acceptance more than anything; how knowing yourself sets you up to just ‘be’.

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