Straight and Curly Ep 40: How to feel more confident than you are


Carly and I are both naturally confident people. But that doesn’t mean we’ve not had that confidence dented at various stages of our lives.

In this episode we talk about where we think our confidence comes from and what we’ve done to nurture it over the years. Then we both share our top five tips for ‘faking’ confidence when it’s not in abundance.

Ideas we cover:

  1. Do things you rock at
  2. Show em’ the old razzle dazzle
  3. Back yourself
  4. Concentrate on body language
  5. Make the person you’re talking to feel like the best human in the world
  6. If you know what the thing is that took your confidence away – name it
  7. Surround yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself
  8. Get out the instructions and fix something at home
  9. Watch Suits
  10. Try something you don’t think you’ll be good at



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