What I’m doing right now

This page is updated every week or two and shares what I’m up to at the moment and what my current focus is. Latest update: Thursday 14th September


It’s been … busy. We hired a new Executive Assistant at Swish Design and added four members to our virtual team. The kids have had a bunch of short weeks at school with a Pupil-Free Day, Parent-Teacher interviews and then an Athletics Carnival that got cancelled thanks to torrential rain. But, for all it’s been busy, it’s been manageable. And that’s all you really want, right?!


I delivered the first draft of James Schramko’s book Work Less, Make More to him last week which was super-exciting. The two weeks that preceded that handover were intense with re-writing, editing and second-guessing and consequently I was totally burnt out at the end. Thankfully I had a weekend away with some girlfriends on the schedule and that was brilliant for chilling out my slightly-fried brain.

At the start of this year I blocked out September to go hard on the first draft of my fourth book, Overthinkers Anonymous. Well, it’s mid-September now and I’ve not written a word. I hope to rectify that this weekend. In the meantime, Carly and I are turning some of the Straight & Curly podcast episodes into a book and it’s going really well …


Better than Yesterday

The next challenge for the Better than Yesterday Habits group is Meditation. It starts on Monday 18th September and if you’ve tried meditation before and given up on it because it just ‘doesn’t work’ for you … you might find this interesting.


The current season of Straight & Curly is in full swing. We’ve released episodes on boosting memory, phone addiction and dealing with information overload. Meanwhile, Let It Be is still on hiatus as Brooke is in the middle of launching two books. Destination Simple just came out in the US while Slow has just been released in Australia. We’re hoping to sit down and record again in October once things settle down a little for Brooke. A big thanks to everyone who’s told us they miss us! We’ll be back!